professional learning series

Go deeper on a topic by engaging with experts and peers in a series of virtual workshops grounded in Linked Learning principles and real-world applications.

The Linked Learning Alliance offers structured, interactive, multi-day workshops that delve deep into proven education practices and systems. Centered in a belief in the unlimited potential of young people, our workshops help participants understand, integrate, and adapt Linked Learning principles to launch and deliver powerful and relevant learning experiences to their students, whether remote or in person.

Each workshop is distinct and designed to offer participants the opportunity to dive deeply into a topic of high relevance to their Linked Learning work. Because this series emphasizes collaboration, we encourage pathway, school, district, and community-wide teams to participate together.

current series

Leadership at All Levels

This series revisits the essential elements of the Linked Learning framework, offers leadership strategies to support pathway success and sustainability, and identifies structures and conditions to support high quality, equitable pathways across different levels of leadership.