Join the Movement
The Linked Learning movement is driven by people like you: students, educators, families, community members, industry partners, and policymakers coming together to learn, grow, and advocate together. There are a number of ways to get involved. Check them out below!

Linked Learning Student Alumni Network
Want to connect with other Linked Learning seniors and recent alumni from across California? Looking to gain access to exclusive professional development opportunities as you graduate high school? Join the Linked Learning Student Alumni Network (LLSAN)! LLSAN brings together high school seniors and alumni from Linked Learning pathways for networking and professional development among likeminded young people as they transition from high school to college, career, and beyond.

Attend an Event
The Linked Learning Alliance hosts a variety of events for the Linked Learning field:
- Professional Learning Series, structured, interactive, multi-day workshops that delve deep into proven education practices and systems centered on a belief in the unlimited potential of young people
- Experiential Site Visit, virtual and in-person opportunities to envision a new future for their students, school site, or district and learn firsthand how the Linked Learning approach has positively transformed education in our partner districts
- Webinar, hour-long conversations that explore specific timely topics related to Linked Learning policy, practice, and public will building.

Start Your Certification Journey
Research shows quality is key to Linked Learning experiences that prepare students to succeed in college and career. Linked Learning Certification establishes clear standards for implementing the approach with fidelity. Schools with certified pathways show their dedication to continual improvement, unlock real benefits for all students—and are recognized for their commitment to excellence and equity in education. Get started today!

Join a Network
The Linked Learning Alliance offers two networks for the field: Middle School and Counselor networks.
The Linked Learning Middle School Network brings together middle school educators in Linked Learning districts to expand and deepen college and career learning opportunities for their students. Using the Linked Learning Gold standards as a framework, this community of practice explores experiential, integrated college and career instructional design in middle school settings aligned with high school Linked Learning college and career pathways.
Counselors are especially important for students who enter high school behind academically and/or need additional supports to address their physical and mental well-being. The Linked Learning Counselors Network brings together counselors as a community of practice to share promising strategies, learn from one another, and address shared problems and challenges related to the role of counselors in Linked Learning pathways.