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Equity Lessons Learned from Schools in the Time of COVID-19: Education Resources for State Leaders

A collaboration of 12 organizations seeking to advance educational equity shares resources for state leaders about how to transform systems to better serve and support improved outcomes for our most underserved students and ensure that existing and new resources are used to drive significant change in our education system.

The pandemic has dashed and deferred too many college dreams

Without support and intervention, higher education could be out of reach for some forever, writes Julia Freeland Fisher and Nichole Torpey-Saboe.

October 27, 2021 | Hechinger Report
Searching for equity in dual enrollment for California high school students

A growing number of California students are participating in dual enrollment courses — college classes taken while still in high school. But making dual enrollment courses equitable and accessible to even more students hinges on a variety of factors.

October 27, 2021 | EdSource
Who Wants a Bell Curve? The Strong Case for Mastery Learning in Math

Creating a system that allows all students the opportunity for mastery of fundamental mathematical concepts and confidence in their own mathematical reasoning is not easy, but we must try, writes COGx's Susanna Brock.

October 26, 2021 | EdSurge
Fall Enrollment Drops Bring Fresh Worries

Enrollment rates at community colleges continue to plummet across the country as administrators seek solutions to stanch the outward flow of students.

October 25, 2021 | Inside Higher Ed
California community colleges unable to justify placing students in remedial classes, study finds

Almost all of California’s community colleges are still placing at least some students into remedial math classes — and none of them can justify doing so according to a new report published Monday by the California Acceleration Project, an organization advocating for the elimination of remedial classes in community colleges.

October 25, 2021 | EdSource
Why friendship is hard for many teens right now

After spending most of their time at home for a year and a half, many kids simply don’t know how to act around their peers. Antisocial behavior has manifested in various ways. Some feel so anxious, so alone, that they barely come to campus.

October 25, 2021 | Los Angeles Times
Pandemic, Racial Justice Fuel Surge in Demand for Social-Emotional Learning

The pandemic and rising concerns about racial justice over the past year and a half have fueled a surge in school district interest in and spending on social-emotional learning, according to a new report.

October 22, 2021 | EdWeek
State Test Results Are In. Are They Useless?

Even though educators are hungry for insight, assessment experts are urging caution. This year, more than any in recent memory, calls for extreme care and restraint when analyzing statewide test scores, drawing conclusions, and taking action, they say.

October 21, 2021 | EdWeek