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5 Ways To Integrate Career Connection Into College Experience

College students who spend time on career prep as undergraduates — particularly building professional networks and social capital — report greater confidence in their workplace skills and clarity in their career plans, the research shows.

January 5, 2022 | Strada Education Network
Senior Capstones are Replacing Bubble Tests at Some High Schools

We must anchor the assessment system in students’ authentic experiences, born out of their communities, identities, and passions, writes Future Focused Education's Deborah Good.

January 5, 2022 | Future Focused Education
Why School Counselors of Color Matter More Than Ever

Experts emphasize how diversity within the school counseling profession is essential for supporting students at such a critical time and beyond. That’s diversity both in terms of the racial/ethnic demographics of counselors, and in terms of ensuring all counselors intentionally practice cultural sensitivity in their work.

January 5, 2022 | EdWeek
With all 50 states' ARP plans approved, Ed Dept to release remaining $41B

After a lengthy submission and approval process, all 50 states and the District of Columbia have now had their American Rescue Plan spending proposals approved, according to the U.S. Department of Education.

January 5, 2022 | K-12 Dive
Why we could soon lose even more Black Teachers

America has long had a teacher diversity problem, and the strains of the last two years are poised to make it worse, writes Sarah Carr.

January 5, 2022 | Hechinger Report
To Help Fight a Mental Health Crisis in Schools, Community Groups Step In

With an influx of federal pandemic relief funding and potential money from the state budget surplus, many districts in California find themselves flush with more resources for mental health services than they’ve had in years. But that funding is running up against a familiar problem: staffing shortages. To fill the gap, some districts are partnering with community organizations to bring essential services to struggling students using human infrastructure that already exists.

January 4, 2022 | EdSurge
Hit hard by Covid, California high school seniors struggling toward graduation

This year, many seniors are either struggling to earn enough credits to graduate or, because of a new state law, are graduating with fewer credits and requirements than classes before them.

January 4, 2022 | EdSource
California lawmakers may stop tying K-12 schools’ funding to daily attendance

After decades of linking K-12 school funding to daily student attendance, California lawmakers are poised to consider abolishing that standard, choosing instead a new method that could provide a significant boost to big districts.

January 3, 2022 | Los Angeles Times
Aging Teacher Workforce Further Whittled Down by Pandemic Staff Shortage

Staff shortages exacerbated by COVID-19 have strained almost every industry over the last 20 months, but the demographic of American educators could result in a troubling future for the nation's public schools even after the pandemic.

January 3, 2022 | Newsweek