News From the Field
Catch top headlines sharing relevant news and stories about Linked Learning practices, schools, and students.
Designing Effective Systems to Support an Alternative High School
A principal shares his insights into the systems that make an alternative high school run smoothly for all students.
Often Overlooked In Rankings, Hispanic-Serving Colleges Embrace A New Metric For Success
Think tank Third Way has developed a new way to rank the nation’s colleges. They call it the Economic Mobility Index, and it looks at two factors: a university’s proportion of students from low- and moderate-income backgrounds and the economic boost those students get after enrollment.
Feds lay out 5-point plan to help districts find more teachers
The Biden administration intends to partner with districts to expand teachers' residencies, access to curricular materials and mental health supports for students.
School Enrollment Crashed in Fall 2020, the Steepest Drop Since 1943
Schools experienced the largest single-year drop in enrollment since World War II during the first year of the COVID-10 pandemic, new data from the National Center for Education Statistics’ 2022 Condition of Education Report show.
California has tens of billions more in funding for its TK-12 schools. Is that enough to keep teachers from leaving?
If policymakers fail to use this surplus of funds to attract and retain educators, to build up a profession that has been battered by Covid, we will lose the talented individuals we need to lead our schools and educate our kids, writes Angella Martinez.
4 strategies for effective intervention to accelerate learning this summer
Dr. Tim Hudson shares four strategies for accelerating summer learning: inspire thinking, monitor progress, prioritize SEL, and make screen time matter.
Can Free College Plug a Leaky Workforce Pipeline?
Maine started a temporary free college program to entice high school graduates affected by the pandemic to enroll in community colleges.
Buher: Now is the Moment for a New Children’s Rights Movement
America's young people are victims of the dissonance between government leaders' purported commitment to children and kids' actual lives, writes Andrew Buher.
Report says Los Angeles Unified should focus on retaining, recruiting Black educators
Los Angeles Unified should direct its focus to supporting, retaining and recruiting Black teachers, according to an independent analysis released last month.