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California Prop. 13’s 'unjust legacy' detailed in critical study

A new analysis of the enduring impact of Proposition 13, the 1978 initiative that voters passed as a backlash against rising property taxes, concluded it has contributed to a widening wealth gap, a severe housing shortage and, for decades, inadequate funding for public schools.

June 22, 2022 | EdSource
Education Department delays gainful employment proposal until 2023

The U.S. Department of Education pushed back the timeline for publishing its proposal for a revised gainful employment rule to next year, meaning the earliest it could go into effect is mid-2024.

June 22, 2022 | Higher Ed Dive
How can middle school leaders ease the transition to high school?

To better prepare students for the more demanding work they’ll face in high school, districts and schools should focus on building a transition action team and developing a statement of need, Gene Bottoms, former director of the High Schools That Work Initiative for the Southern Regional Education Board, writes for ASCD.

June 22, 2022 | K-12 Dive
What the latest test results from 3 states say about academic acceleration

Scores show administrators that tutoring and other strategies have the potential to accelerate learning.

June 21, 2022 | District Administration
The Pandemic’s Toll on Academic Growth Wasn’t Uniform. Recovery Efforts Can’t Be Either

What do we know about how much academic recovery students need? It’s complicated, says Dan Goldhaber, Andrew Mceachin & Emily Morton.

June 21, 2022 | EdWeek
How the ‘Computer Science for All’ Movement Fits In Broader History of Social-Justice Battles

The stakes are high when it comes to equity in computer science education and in the broader tech industry. That’s not just because tech is a key to economic opportunity in America these days, but it’s also because of the social good that comes when everyone has a chance to have a seat at the table to build a better future.

June 21, 2022 | EdSurge
County office takes lead role in California community school expansion

The Alameda County Office of Education is providing key support in the planning, implementation and evaluation of the $3 billion effort.

June 21, 2022 | K-12 Dive
School’s Out for Summer and Many Teachers Are Calling It Quits

Many teachers have packed up classrooms for the last time as schools break for summer, leaving a profession where stresses have multiplied as a national teacher shortage threatens to grow.

June 20, 2022 | Wall Street Journal
OPINION: To counter educator bias, we need more Black teachers in our classrooms

Our system fails too many Black students. We can and must do better, writes Orville Jackson and Robert J. Hendricks III.

June 20, 2022 | Hechinger Report