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2020 Increases in Student Persistence Mask Pandemic Inequities

Even though ¾ of college students remained enrolled in higher education after a year of Covid schooling, it isn’t enough to ease all worries about enrollment and engagement.

June 29, 2022 | Diverse Education
Good jobs are out of reach for many 20-somethings in the U.S.

60% of adults who were disadvantaged socioeconomically as teens continue to struggle with employment barriers in their 30s. How can their education experience be improved so that they feel supported and prepared for career and beyond?

June 29, 2022 | Brookings
Persistence rates rose last fall but didn’t reach pre-pandemic levels, report finds

In fall 2020, 75% of 2.3 million first-time college students returned to higher education for the fall of 2021. While an improvement from the historical average, it is still not what it was pre-pandemic.

June 28, 2022 | HigherEd Dive
States Relax Teacher Certification Rules to Combat Shortages

Last year, almost half of district leaders reported difficulty finding and hiring full-time teachers. With the severe teacher shortages increasing, policymakers are taking steps to relax their states’ certification requirements to get more teachers in the classroom and circumvent shortages across the country.

June 28, 2022 | EdWeek
NC Gov.’s DRIVE Task Force Unveils Plan to Recruit and Retain Teachers of Color

North Carolina leadership launched a task force that focuses on two phases of the teacher pipeline: recruiting and retaining teachers of color while holding employers accountable for diversifying their teacher forces.

June 28, 2022 | The 74
Gov. Newsom strikes deal on state budget: big increase for K-12, plan to expand Cal Grant, too

The California State Budget will provide $500 million from the state for Golden State Pathways, funding partnerships between school districts and higher education employers, along with career opportunities and regional employment needs. The funding includes an expansion of the Cal Grant, and a 13% increase in the TK-12 general funding formula.

June 28, 2022 | EdSource
Quelling the quit: A Look at 2 New Strategies for Uplifting Teachers

Now more than ever, teachers have been struggling in unimaginable ways: financially, mentally, and creatively. Bellwood School District 88 launched an initiative for teachers to earn micro-credentials in blended learning and find new ways for them to improve and stay engaged.

June 28, 2022 | District Administration
How Schools & Communities Can Work Together for the Betterment of Both

Through the pandemic, it has been made clear that schools work as a multifaceted connector across communities and generations.

June 27, 2022 | The 74
National Education Data: K-12 Enrollment More Racially Diverse Compared to a Decade Ago

Over the last 10 years, K-12 public school has seen a decrease in the share of white and Black students, while the Hispanic percentage grew. In 2009, Hispanic students made up 22%. Now it’s 28%.

June 27, 2022 | The 74