News From the Field
Catch top headlines sharing relevant news and stories about Linked Learning practices, schools, and students.
Use Your ‘Teacher Voice,’ Jill Biden Urges in a Push for Political Activism
The prevailing message from speakers at the American Federation of Teachers’ convention: U.S. democracy is in trouble, and educators must keep fighting for change—beginning with the looming midterm elections. First Lady Jill Biden, U.S. Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh, and U.S. Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey spoke to more than 2,000 union delegates, urging them to organize, canvass, and vote in the upcoming midterm elections.
Formulating a Successful Grow-Your-Own Teacher Residency Program
School districts can develop an equity-focused training program that ensures that teachers are highly trained, supported, and effective.
Ed Dept encourages year-round enrichment programming with Engage Every Student Initiative
The U.S. Department of Education announced an initiative to help districts use funds from the American Rescue Plan, along with state and local funds, to make high-quality out-of-school time programs available to students year-round.
Warning: Your high school students are running out of academic recovery time
Members of the class of 2023 are facing a challenge not shared by younger students: less time to recover academically before they graduate. So what can administrators do to accelerate the pace of academic recovery for students nearing graduation
Most Students Who Left College During COVID Want to Return — But Many Can’t
Money, stress and family & work obligations are keeping students from returning to college and earning their degrees, survey finds.
It Is Time to Rethink Student Supports in Schools
As we seek to emerge from the pandemic and reimagine schools so that students do not just recover from the pandemic but are set up to thrive, what if we normalized schools as hubs with student supports, asks Jin-Soo Huh.
New Reports Identify Obstacles to College Completion
Tyton Partners, a provider of strategy consulting and investment banking services to the education sector, has published three reports that highlight achievement gaps among students from historically underrepresented groups.
California’s leading teachers reflect on the 2021-22 school year
In 2021, the Inverness Institute’s Teacher Consultant Response Network members responded to two surveys about their experiences in the classroom during the Covid-19 pandemic. One year later, nearly 100 of these teachers have weighed in yet again, sharing their classroom experiences and perspectives on teaching in the current environment.
Biden Administration Boosts Grants for Community Schools, Sharpens Funding Priorities
The Biden administration will prioritize community schools that provide integrated support, expanded learning opportunities, collaborative leadership, and family and community engagement when awarding $68 million in grants through its Full-Service Community Schools Program.