News From the Field
Catch top headlines sharing relevant news and stories about Linked Learning practices, schools, and students.
High School Coursework Falls Short in Workforce Prep, Survey Suggests
High schoolers believe that their educational experience is getting them ready for college. But they're less certain that their coursework is preparing them for the world of work.
How Each State Distributes Money for Public Schools and At-Risk Students
The Every Student Succeeds Act has brought a new focus to school funding and how it works, including a new federal requirement for states to report how much individual schools receive per pupil.
Comparing How All 50 States Connect Schools to the Workforce [Interactive map]
All 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico have some kind of investment board to direct different funding streams for workforce development, but only 12 states have career pathway systems that are primarily coordinated by the state's K-12 system.
Oakland's Graduate Profile: A Spotlight on What Matters Most
This past spring, Leonardo Quezada and hundreds of students in Oakland crossed the graduation stage with proud families in the audience.
"Better to Be Born Rich Than Smart": Education Must Answer for Systemic Inequality
In a fair society, people's successes should reflect their talent and hard work.
What Do Employers Want in a New Hire? Mostly, Good Speaking Skills
What executives want the most when they're hiring new people is strong speaking skills, but they have a tough time finding candidates who are good at it, according to a survey released Tuesday.
Peers Guide 9th Graders Through "Make-or-Break" Year
Two teenage boys joking around before class starts—no big deal, right? Scenes like this play out every day at high schools across the country. But this one is part of a carefully orchestrated project to help students survive a make-or-break year in their lives: 9th grade.
A Letter to My Former Teachers: Reflections and Optimism
This post is from Sunny Zhang. Sunny joined Envision Learning Partners this summer as a Special Projects Coordinator.
Fusing Career, Academic Skills Benefits Students, Study Finds
A California initiative that blends rigorous academics with career preparation helps students earn more credits in high school and have greater confidence in their career and life skills than their peers in regular programs, according to a new study of the initiative.
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