In This Moment (9/11): State Board of Education Adopts New Measures for CCI
This week was filled with California State Board of Education (SBE) news. The SBE announced that applications are being accepted for the 2021-22 Student Board Member position. This is a great opportunity to share with Linked Learning students interested in becoming more engaged in civic life.
On Thursday, the SBE adopted new career measures to be included in the College/Career Indicator.
Also this week, the Governor’s office announced that Brooks Allen has been nominated Executive Director of the State Board of Education, and the SBE unanimously approved the Governor’s nomination. Allen currently serves as Assistant Superintendent, California Collaborative for Educational Excellence (CCEE) Liaison and Legal Counsel at the Marin County Office of Education.
If you have additional policy updates that would be valuable for the Linked Learning field, please share them with

2021-22 Student Board Member

The SBE announced an exciting opportunity for students interested in becoming more civically engaged in their communities and the state more broadly.
Each year, the California SBE appoints a student representative to serve on the Board. This student will be engaged in important discussions that have the potential to impact young people across the state. Applications are now being accepted for the 2021-22 Student Board Member position. Please note that applications are due by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 8, 2020.
For more information, please visit the CDE website or contact the SBE by email.
Please share this opportunity with Linked Learning students in your community and contact if you need any additional support and guidance for student applications.
College/Career Indicator Update
Item #02 on Thursday’s SBE agenda recommended including new career measures in the College/Career Indicator (CCI).
Within the language of the item itself, California Department of Education (CDE) staff stated that:
In response to SBE direction to include more career measures in the CCI and ultimately build out the indicator to serve as a measure of college and career preparedness, the CDE has worked with interested stakeholders including, but not limited to, the Alternative Schools Task Force, the Technical Design Group (TDG), the CCI Work Group, and the Advisory Commission on Special Education to identify additional career measures for potential inclusion in the Dashboard.
Developing a measure that truly captures college and career preparedness is very much aligned with the Linked Learning approach. We appreciate the efforts of both the SBE and CDE staff to engage stakeholders around the CCI as the state works toward developing a more comprehensive and inclusive indicator.
The SBE approved the CDE staff recommendation for Item #02 to adopt the following new career measures for inclusion in the CCI:
- Pre-apprenticeships
- State and Federal Job Programs
- Transition Work-Based Learning Experiences (available only to students with Individualized Education Programs [IEPs])
- Transition Classroom-Based Learning Experiences (available only to students with IEPs)
Governor Newsom Announces New Executive Director of the SBE
On Wednesday, Governor Newsom’s Office announced that Brooks Allen has been appointed Education Policy Advisor to the Governor, and nominated Executive Director of the State Board of Education. The SBE unanimously approved the Governor’s nomination on Thursday. Allen has held many key positions in California education, including his current role as Assistant Superintendent, CCEE Liaison and Legal Counsel at the Marin County Office of Education, and his previous position of Deputy Policy Director and Assistant Legal Counsel at the California State Board of Education.
Allen will be stepping into the Executive Director position currently held by Karen Stapf-Walters. Stapf-Walters will be transitioning to a new role as the executive director of the California County Superintendents Educational Services Association (CCSESA), effective September 21, 2020.