In This Moment (01/15): Approval of CTEIG Funds
This week the California State Board of Education (SBE) approved the 2020-21 Career Technical Education Incentive Grants for Local Educational Agencies (LEAs). Due to a data extraction error, allocations were revised for 26 LEAs in advance of Wednesday’s SBE meeting. California Department of Education (CDE) staff contacted each of the affected LEAs.
On Wednesday, and again today, EdSource spotlighted the Linked Learning Alliance’s views on Governor Newsom’s 2021-2022 January Budget, with attention to the proposed Budget’s implications for both K-12 and postsecondary education.
In other news, the Governor released additional COVID-19 reopening guidance for K-12 schools and Local Health Districts.
If you have additional policy updates that would be valuable for the Linked Learning field, please share them with

State Board of Education Approves CTEIG Grants
During its Wednesday meeting, the SBE approved the 2020-21 Career Technical Education Incentive Grants (CTEIG). Individual grants were awarded based on an allocation formula largely driven by average daily attendance (ADA) for LEAs. The formula includes three ADA categories including the Small Category (<=140 ADA), Medium Category (141–550 ADA), and Large Category (550<=ADA). During the first week of January and after posting the CTEIG list of grantees in December, an ADA data extraction error was discovered that altered the award amounts for 26 LEAs (See Item 07 Addendum). Of the 26 LEAs whose grant allocations were revised as a result of the data extraction error, nine will receive more funding and 17 will receive less. CDE contacted each of the affected LEAs to explain how the calculation error impacted their preliminary award amount. The updated calculations resulted in adjusted allocations for the 26 LEAs; all of the other remaining LEA allocation levels were not adversely affected. For a list of propose funding amounts, see Item 07 Addendum Attachment 02.
Linked Learning Alliance Perspectives on 2021-2022 January Budget: EdSource Pieces
EdSource has featured views from educational leaders on the Governor’s California budget, including from Linked Learning Alliance President Anne Stanton. She shared praise for the Budget’s investment in young people, while urging policymakers to use this opportunity to draw greater connections between K-12, postsecondary, and the workforce. You can read her comments on the implications for K-12 here, and higher education here.
You can read the Alliance’s full statement on the Budget here.
New COVID Safety Plan Guidance
This week, the Governor's Administration released the COVID-19 and Reopening In-Person Instruction Framework & Public Health Guidance for K-12 Schools in California, 2020-2021 School Year. It provides K-12 schools and Local Health Districts with guidance on providing in-person instruction, including, but not limited to:
- Response to confirmed COVID-19 infections when a case of COVID-19 is confirmed in a student or staff member; and
- Response to confirmed COVID-19 infections a cluster or outbreak of COVID-19 at a school is being investigated.
- Physical distancing in classrooms.
This new guidance will impact all schools. Schools are required to post a compliant COVID-19 Safety Plan prior to reopening. For those schools already open, they must post their COVID-19 Safety Plan by February 1.
For more information, feel free to visit California’s Safe Schools for All Hub, which will be regularly updated with new resources.