Anne Stanton

Anne Stanton, president of the Linked Learning Alliance, has over 20 years of experience developing and implementing groundbreaking programs and initiatives that promote equitable outcomes for low-income youth and communities. With a unique capacity to turn vision into impact, Anne has demonstrated success as a strategic philanthropist, policy influencer, and nationally recognized non-profit leader.
Anne is the principal architect behind the Linked Learning movement, a coordinated effort at the intersection of education, industry, and community to connect all youth to college, career, and purpose. Before joining the Alliance, and for over a decade, Anne was The James Irvine Foundation’s Program Director for Youth, where she was the principal architect behind the Linked Learning approach in collaboration with educators, community-based leaders, and industry partners from across the country.
Before joining the Foundation, Anne served as the executive director of Larkin Street Youth Services in San Francisco. Before her time at Larkin Street, Anne served as associate executive director of Covenant House in New York City. Anne has also worked with numerous other national and community-based organizations to create, strengthen and sustain college and career readiness efforts.
Anne was a key member of the California P-16 Council, a statewide assembly of education, business, and community leaders charged with developing strategies to better coordinate, integrate, and improve education for students in preschool through college. Anne also served as the Board Chair of Grantmakers for Education, the nation’s largest affinity membership organization for private and public philanthropies that support improved education outcomes for students from early childhood through higher education.
Anne holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts and a master’s degree in social work from New York University. She is also a graduate of Harvard Business School’s Strategic Perspectives in Nonprofit Management and the Center for Social Innovation at Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business.